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Maria da Graça Medeiros Silveira

Graça Silveira is Coordinator Professor in the Department of Physics of Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa. She graduated in Geophysics from the University of Lisbon, where she also obtained a Master and a Ph.D. in Physics (Geophysics).

She is a member of Instituto Dom Luiz – IDL, where she coordinates the Research Group RG3 - Solid Earth dynamics, hazards and resources. She focuses her research on deciphering earth structure, from the crust to the lower mantle, using seismic tomography, ambient seismic noise, anisotropy and receiver functions. Aiming to contribute for a better knowledge on the role and origin at depth of mantle plumes, she conducts most of her work in the Atlantic volcanic islands.

Along with her R&D activities, she is also active in educational Physics and outreach in the Portuguese Speaking Countries. She is a member of the executive board of União dos Físicos dos Países de Língua Portuguesa.

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