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Alexandra Isabel Martins Paulo da Costa
351-218317172 (Ext. 1174)

Alexandra I. Costa received a B.Sc. in Industrial Chemical Engineering from the ISEL/IPL, a M.Sc. in Organic Technological Chemistry from the Faculty of Science and Technology of New University of Lisbon and a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the Instituto Superior Técnico of Technical University of Lisbon.

She is Adjunct Professor in the Departmental Area of Chemical Engineering (ADEQ) at ISEL where she teaches Curricular Units of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry Section and participates as a trainer in the Training Course for Chemical Analysts under the Project 9ºW - Hovione.

She is currently vice-President of ADEQ/ISEL, President from the Center for Chemical Engineering Studies at ISEL and integrated member of CQ-VR research center from the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro.

Her research focuses on Supramolecular Chemistry, particularly the synthesis of chemical fluorescent sensors containing calixarenes. At the same time, her research is also dedicated on the use of renewable natural resources for the sustainable synthesis of carbon nanomaterials (carbon-dots).

ORCID ID  | CIÊNCIAVITAE IDResearcher ID | Scopus Author ID | Google Scholar ID