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ISEL, in partnership with the University of Lisbon and the Polytechnic of Lisbon, announces the opening of registrations for the online course PRODIGI: Towards the Future – Training Program in Programming, Information and Digital Citizenship, which will start in March 2025. Mainly aimed at young people and adults with basic training in non-CTEAM areas (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) and professionals with the same training, interested in teaching in elementary and secondary education in the area of ​​ICT - Information Technologies and Communication. Candidates who have basic training in the scientific areas mentioned (e.g. social sciences, business and law, humanities, education, health and social protection) are considered a priority. Other professionals and students may apply, and your position is subject to availability. The course will be offered in an online format, based on MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), allowing flexible organization of learning time. Although it is possible to complete the training entirely remotely, students have the option of attending practical classes in person. The program is flexible in nature. Includes 22 modules, distributed in several areas: Computational Thinking: Programming Fundamentals, Data Structures, Autonomous Systems Programming, Algorithms and Complexity Artificial Intelligence: Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence, Introduction to Data Science, Fundamentals of Information Retrieval Systems and Security: Fundamentals of Operating Systems, Fundamentals of Communication Networks, Fundamentals of Security Software Engineering: Database Fundamentals, SW Development Techniques, Web Programming, Mobile Programming User Experience: Web Design, 3D Modeling and Virtual Reality, Multimedia Ethics: Technology and Society Computer Didactics: Principles of Computer Didactics, Computational Thinking and Educational Robotics, Digital Educational Environments in Elementary and Secondary Education, ICT Applied to Elementary and Secondary Education. Integrative Project, to be carried out at the end of the training. Trainees can choose between individual modules, according to their interests and previous training, in a micro-credential logic, or follow the complete program, ensuring robust training in digital skills. The certification will refer to the ECTS obtained. PRODIGI is funded by the PRR - Recovery and Resilience Plan, with teachers from ISEL and the Lisbon School of Education (ESELx), IPL, Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Faculty of Sciences (FC), Institute of Education (IE), from ULisboa. Scientific coordination is the responsibility of professors and researchers from ULisboa and IPL, in particular Professors Cláudia Antunes (ULisboa/IST), Isabel Nunes (ULisboa/FC), João Piedade (ULisboa/IE), Cátia Vaz (IPL/ISEL) and Cátia Rigid (IPL/ESELx). More information can be found here. To register, you can sign up here.  
The Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (ISEL) received the visit of three representatives of the Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences (FUAS), within the scope of the U!reka - European University project. The initiative aimed to strengthen the collaboration between the two institutions in the areas of engineering, covering both research and teaching. The FUAS delegation included Prof. Hektor Hebert (Rector), Prof. Dr. Karsten Schmidt (Vice-Rector for Research and Internationalization) and M.Sc Anja Ruhland (Office of Internationalization and Academic Counseling). The visitors were received institutionally by the President of ISEL, Professor José Nascimento, by the Vice-Presidents responsible for the pedagogical and quality areas, as well as by the scientific area (Prof. Carla Viveiros and Prof. Pedro Silva, respectively) and by the External Relations and Internationalization office (Dr. Susana Teque). After the reception, they visited several ISEL laboratories, with emphasis on the laboratories of the Electronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering (DEETC) and Mechanical Engineering (DME) departments, in the areas of Informatics, Multimedia and Mechatronics. The visit was coordinated by IPL representatives of the U!reka project for research, Prof. Nuno Datia and Prof. António Serrador. During the visit, ISEL teachers, researchers and students presented projects and initiatives that reflect the institution's "know-how", both in the field of teaching and in Research and Development (R&D) activities, some in partnership with companies installed on campus. Among the projects presented, the work developed by the research groups FIT/ISEL and GIAMOS, as well as by the CTS and NOVALincs poles, stood out. In the end, both parties showed interest in establishing a closer collaboration, highlighting the existing synergies and similarities between the two institutions. The visit was another step in solidifying a strategic partnership that promises to benefit education and research in engineering at the European level. Flickr photos from the ISEL recebe representantes da Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences para reforçar cooperação em engenharia album. Image gallery here on Flickr
ISEL, Tecnovia, and TechID recently signed a collaboration protocol that strengthens the connection between academia and industry, focusing on innovation and technological development in the Civil Engineering sector. This agreement aims to promote knowledge sharing, the execution of joint projects, and the integration of new technologies in the sector, highlighting the importance of aligning higher education with the real needs of the market. Furthermore, the partnership will provide ISEL students with access to scholarships, internships, and involvement in innovative projects, preparing them for the challenges of the future in Civil Engineering. The signing of this protocol reflects the commitment of the three entities to drive progress and competitiveness in Civil Engineering in Portugal, emphasizing the value of cooperation between academic research and practical application in the industry.    
The issue no. 76 of the magazine Pedra & Cal - Conservation and Rehabilitation, has given special attention to the training provided by the Civil Engineering Department of ISEL in the area of Building Conservation and Rehabilitation, highlighting the article written by Professors Dulce Henriques (DEC/ISEL) and Cristina Borges (DEC/ISEL), about four courses they promoted, with the collaboration of the highest national specialists and various professors from ISEL. This edition also includes an interview with Professor Dulce Henriques regarding the Postgraduate Program in Conservation and Rehabilitation of Buildings, which has already completed 11 editions and is currently in its 12th edition. The magazine Pedra & Cal is owned by the Heritage Guild (GECoRPA). This Association focuses on promoting best practices in the study and intervention in built heritage and serves as a valuable source of information for all professionals and citizens interested in the area of its conservation and/or rehabilitation. The magazine Pedra & Cal is recognized by the Ministry of Culture as a publication of significant cultural interest under the Patronage Law and has served as a platform for the sharing of technical or technical-scientific articles, focused on case studies, allowing its readers to deepen their knowledge and better understand the complexities of our heritage. The PDF version is available for free distribution and can be downloaded here ( The printed version can be purchased by contacting
On January 15, 2025, ISEL hoisted the EcoCampus Flag again.  As a result of the work developed in the 2023/2024 academic year, this distinction, awarded by the Blue Flag Association of Europe (ABAE) and the Portuguese section of the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE), symbolizes the Institution's commitment to sustainability.  The event was attended by the President of ISEL, Professor José Nascimento; the Vice-President for the Infrastructure and Equipment Area, Alexandra Costa; the Vice-President for the Scientific Area, R&D and Projects, Professor Pedro Silva; the Administrator of ISEL, Paulo Guerreiro; the Advisor of the Academic Area, Cátia Dias; the Advisor of the Scientific and Projects Area, Elisabete Alegria; and the Advisor of the Sustainability Area, Patrícia Barata. Also present were Professor Hugo Félix (DEQ/ISEL), and Engineer Vanda Pacheco, both representing the ISEL Eco-School Council.  Learn more about the project here.
On January 15, 2025, as part of the Telecommunications Systems curricular unit, students from the Bachelor's Degree in Electronics, Telecommunications and Computer Engineering and the Bachelor's Degree in Informatics, Networks and Telecommunications Engineering carried out a study visit to the Network Operations Center (NOC) of REN's Security Telecommunications Network,  located in Sacavém. This centre plays a central role in the management and monitoring of the transmission network and private voice network layers, which are considered critical to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the national energy infrastructure. During the visit, REN officials presented the telecommunications network that supports the company's entire operation, explaining its importance as a critical network for the continuous operation of energy transmission networks. The students also had the opportunity to observe, in real time, the monitoring carried out at the NOC, understanding the tools and processes involved in overseeing communications. The visit also included a visit to the technical room, where various equipment that is part of the national transmission network was presented. This experience allowed students to consolidate the knowledge acquired in the classroom, reinforcing the connection between theoretical content and its practical application in large-scale infrastructures. This activity demonstrated the value of synergies between educational institutions and leading companies in the sector, providing students with an in-depth and concrete view of the challenges and technological solutions that define critical telecommunications.